Monday, June 02, 2008

Reality Check 2008

It has become a mantra among the Obama folks that he will be able to win a number of traditionally red states in the general election. This is perhaps the result of various slogans such as “Yes We Can!” and “He Brings People Together!”. It is a wonder that they continue to believe the latter slogan after the incredibly contentious meeting of the DNC Rules Committee this past weekend, but in general it was time to get some polling state-by-state.

For this, the site proves useful. It is currently showing head-to-head matchups in each state between McCain and both Obama and Clinton. After compiling the information on June 2, 2008, assigning half the electoral votes in the case of a polling tie, the results are:
   Obama 296 – McCain 242
   Clinton 343.5 – McCain 194.5

Following are the states currently in the columns of McCain, Either Democrat, Obama and Clinton ((*) denotes a tie; the states not in Obama’s column are McCain in a Obama-McCain matchup, and similarly for Clinton):

McCain Dem Obama Clinton
Alabama California Colorado Florida
Alaska Connecticut Indiana (*) Kentucky
Arizona D.C. Iowa Michigan (*)
Arkansas Delaware Virginia (*) Missouri
Georgia Hawaii Wisconsin Nevada
Idaho Illinois  North Carolina
Kansas Maine  West Virginia
Louisiana Maryland   
Mississippi Massachusetts   
Montana Minnesota   
Nebraska New Hampshire   
North Dakota New Jersey   
Oklahoma New Mexico   
South Carolina New York   
South Dakota Ohio   
Tennessee Oregon  
Texas Pennsylvania  
Utah Rhode Island  
Wyoming Vermont  

The most interesting aspect of the map is that, although Obama’s followers have a dream of turning red states blue, it is Clinton who would have the great impact in that area.


Blogger cathcatz said...

and that is where hillary and her supporters come in, to get behind the nominee and get this mess cleaned up so that we can put grampy mcsame in the rest home where he belongs!

*no offense meant to old people*

4:06 PM  

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